Tips To Winterize Your Vehicle This Fall

Tips To Winterize Your Vehicle This Fall

The Fall season means that winter is rapidly approaching and now is when you should be winterizing your vehicle. Waiting until the last minute could be detrimental if we have an early snowfall. Start winterizing your vehicle by scheduling a tune-up at Catlett’s...
Follow These Steps if Your Car Breaks Down

Follow These Steps if Your Car Breaks Down

Having your car break down never comes at an opportune time. It always occurs on the way to work or before an important meeting. The next time that your car breaks down in the Davidsonville area looks no further than Catlett’s Service Center & Towing to get you...
Essential Tools to Keep in Your Car

Essential Tools to Keep in Your Car

Having your vehicle break down is always stressful. You must contend with a major inconvenience, and potentially spend hundreds of dollars on vehicle repairs. There are essential tools that every car owner should keep in their vehicle in case of a breakdown. These...
Are You Ready for Summer Thunderstorms?

Are You Ready for Summer Thunderstorms?

Two things are guaranteed during the summer, it will be hot and there will be thunderstorms. Your windshield wipers earn their keep during these storm events. Not being able to see the car in front of you in the middle of a torrential downpour is a disastrous scenario...